MURAL WORK & Trompe-l'œil


Finfolk Productions
Studios in Lincolnton, NC


Mural Pricing

Scotty Roberts

(651) 468-8115

$35 per-square-foot
$2000 minimum on Commercial projects.

Individual Quotes on residential.

Depending on the size and dimensions of your project. From kids' rooms to gymnasiums, I can give you a custom bid.

All prices subject to change

Price quote includes:
1. Creation and painting of mural by working artist Scotty Roberts.
2. All time invested by artist Scotty Roberts, to bring mural to completion.
3. Mural image specific to personal and or organizational needs.

Terms and Conditions:
1. 50% of total price as retainer to start your project and payment in full upon completion.

2. Expenses for materials, any required insurance and equipment necessary to produce the mural, such as paints and varnishes, brushes, airtight containers, water and ladders, scaffolding and or scissors lift rentals, are not reflected in the price quote above. The client incurs these additional costs.

3. Scotty Roberts retains all artwork (sketches, drawings, paintings, etc.) associated with the planing stages of the mural, unless additional arrangements have been agreed upon for the original piece(s) of art.

4. Name Scotty Roberts will be tastefully displayed in small text on the bottom portion of the mural.

5. Travel expenses and room and board for the artist are additional and incurred by the client. Transportation expenses for the artist, to and from hotel, to the mural site, are additional and incurred by the client.

Additional terms for murals outside 50 mile radius of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota area.

Click on thumbnails to see FULL images...

Enchanted Boutique
Interior shop wall in White Bear, MN
Archangel Michael
Small Interior Nook Mural w/faux wood trim
Pirate Ships in Boy's Bedroom
Residential Home, Minneapolis, MN
Francisco's Cantina, Madison, WI

Exterior Mural
for Renaissance Fireworks, Shoreview, MN

Villa Roma Pizzeria, St. Paul, MN

Mural of Strongbow logo for pub wall...

Mural for vet clinic. Low-res pics...
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Mural on the wall of a "wayward girls" home in Detroit...
Painted Mural on 168' of wall space at a Masonic Temple


Books by Scott Alan Roberts:








© 2020 Scott Alan Roberts. All rights reserved. No portion of this site may be reproduced without express permission.
Contact Scotty Roberts